Health (inc. emotional health & wellbeing
Chatsworth High School and Community College serves pupils who experience a broad and complex range of medical needs. The staff team are experienced in addressing the needs of this unique population and are supported by the school nurse and allied health professionals from the Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust. All members of staff have First Aid training and several members of staff have enhanced training in First Aid.
Where appropriate, individual care plans are designed by a multi-disciplinary team working alongside parents and carers in order to ensure each pupil’s needs are fully met.
The school nurse is an integral part of our daily practice and ensures high quality care is consistently secured at all times. The school nurse delivers regular training to all members of staff focusing on developing skills in the administration of medication, feeding pupils with gastrostomies and monitoring the physical development of pupils. The school nurse is an active member of our Safeguarding Group.
The school works closely with the physiotherapy team, the occupational therapist and the speech and language therapy team. The consultant community paediatricians hold a weekly clinic on the school premises and other clinics are held by the dietician and the school’s specialist continence nurse. The school liaises closely with the Learning Disability Nurses, CAMHS and an Art Therapist to support the emotional well-being and mental health of pupils. The school employs a highly experienced Learning Mentor who supports pupils in a variety of ways in order to enable them to overcome obstacles to their learning.