School Admissions
Pupils who attend Chatsworth High School and Community College have severe learning difficulties, profound and multiple learning difficulties or autism. Often pupils have combinations of these conditions. Consequently, pupils who attend the school usually have an Education, Health and Care Plan which names the school as the appropriate provision for that pupil under Section I of the plan.
The Chatsworth Multi Academy Trust is the school’s admission authority. In agreement with Salford Local Authority and the Department for Education, the school’s Pupil Admission Number (PAN) has been increased to 170 with effect from 1st September 2022.
Pupils are admitted to the school following the statutory processes required under the 1996 Education Act. This involves consultation with parents and carers, health and social care professionals, the pupil’s local authority and the school’s leadership team. If agreement is reached that the school is the appropriate placement, an offer is made subject places being available in the school.
The majority of pupils attending the school live in Salford. Salford’s local offer for pupils with SEND can be found at
Further Information
For further information please contact the school on 0161 921 1404.
Any comments or enquiries can be sent to Rachel Hill, Trust Business Manager at