Unicef Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) Bronze accreditation
11th June 2021
Dear Parents and Carers
Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) update
I am very pleased to announce that our school was awarded RRSA Bronze: Rights Committed Level
earlier this week.
Here is a useful link – "What is a Rights Respecting School?" Please take a look if you get the chance.
There are four key areas of impact for Young People at a Rights Respecting school; wellbeing, participation, relationships and self-esteem and I'd like to share some quotes with you:
“A Rights Respecting School is a place where we can all feel confident with ourselves and it encourages us to use our voice. It has helped me build my confidence.
It has helped me raise awareness of injustice in the world.” (A pupil from a Rights Respecting Primary School)
- 97% of headteachers at Rights Respecting Schools said the award had improved children’s respect for themselves and each other
- 93% of headteachers at Rights Respecting Schools said the award had helped children to embrace diversity and overcome prejudices
If I can help you with anything at this stage or you require any more information on RRSA, please let me know.
Catherine Stones
RRSA Coordinator
Chatsworth High School and Community College