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Chatsworth High School
& Community College

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Coronavirus Update 12/03/2020

Update from Headteacher, Helen Birkinhead 12/03/2020

Dear Parent / Carer

I would like to put your minds at rest around the current Coronavirus situation. I want to reassure you that I am monitoring the situation closely, to ensure we are taking any precautionary measures required. There are currently no plans to close the school, but we have plans in place should we decide to, or be advised to close.

I will err on the side of caution as we have a vulnerable population, and will re-assess the risks of any off-site activities in relation to the vulnerability of our students and the likelihood of them coming into contact with large numbers of people. This is a precautionary measure as opposed to us being directed by the Government, so please don’t panic.

In the meantime, please read the information attached below, taken from a Government website.

Kind Regards

Helen Birkinhead